[Ebook] Programming with Python – Download PDF

Thông tin chung (Programming with Python)

Tên tài liệu : Programming with Python
Tác giả : T.R. Padmanabhan
Số trang : 348
Ngôn ngữ : Tiếng Anh
Format : PDF
Thể loại : Ebook Lập Trình Ngôn Ngữ Python

Giới thiệu cơ bản (Programming with Python)

Definitely this is not justification enough for another book on Python. The variety of data structures and the flexibility and vastness of the modules in the Python library are daunting. The most common features of Python have been dealt with in this book bringing out their subtleties; their potential and suitability for varied use through illustrations. Nothing is glossed over. One can go through the illustrative examples, repeat them in toto, or run their variants at one’s own pace and progress.

The matter has been presented in a logical and graded manner. Some of the exercises at the ends of chapters are pedagogical. But many of them call for more efforts—perhaps candidates for minor projects. Concepts associated with constructs like yield, iterator, generator, decorator, super (inheritance), format (Python 3) are often considered to be abstract and difficult to digest. A conscious effort has been made to explain these through apt examples. The associated exercises complement these in different ways. Any feedback by way of corrections, clarifications, or any queries are welcome.

Mục lục ebook “Programming with Python”

1 Python–A Calculator 1
2 Algebra with Variables 7
2.1 Variables7
2.2 Complex Quantities 11
2.3 Common Functions with Numbers 11
2.4 Logical Operators 14
2.5 Strings and Printing 15
2.6 Exercises16

3 Simple Programs19
3.1 Basic Program Structure19
3.2 Flow Chart24
3.3 Conditional Operations 26
3.4 Iterative Routines 31
3.5 Exercises36

4 Functions and Modules 41
4.1 Functions 41
4.1.1 Lambda Function45
4.1.2 Recursion 46
4.1.3 Nested Functions 47
4.1.4 Nested Scope50
4.2 Modules 52
4.2.1 Built-in Modules 62
4.2.2 Math Module62
4.3 Exercises64

5 Sequences and Operations with Sequences 69
5.1 String 69
5.2 Tuple 71
5.3 List 72
5.4 Dictionary 73
5.5 Set 73
5.6 Operators with Sequences75
5.6.1 All and Any 75
5.6.2 sum and eval77
5.7 Iterator 78
5.8 Iterator Functions 81
5.9 Generators86
5.10 Hashing 88
5.11 Input 89
5.12 Exercises91

6 Additional Operations with Sequences 99
6.1 Slicing 99
6.2 Reversing 103
6.3 Sorting 104
6.4 Operations with Sequences 108
6.4.1 Max() and Min() Functions 109
6.4.2 Additional Operations with Sequences . 112
6.5 Operations with Sets 115
6.6 Frozensets 122
6.7 Tests and Comparisons with Sets and Frozensets 123
6.8 Operations with Dictionaries 124
6.9 *Arg and **Kwarg 129
6.10 Exercises133

7 Operations for Text Processing 137
7.1 Unicode 137
7.2 Coding 138
7.2.1 UTF-8138
7.3 Operations with string S141
7.4 Number Representations and Conversions . 144
7.4.1 Integers 145
7.4.2 Floating Point Numbers 146
7.5 More String Operations149
7.6 bytes and bytearrays 157
7.7 Other
7.8 string Module 166
7.9 Exercises167

8 Operations with Files 175
8.1 Printing 175
8.2 String Formatting 178
8.2.1 Formatting—Version I 179
8.2.2 Formatting—Version II 182
8.3 Files and Related Operations 188
8.3.1 String/Text Files 188
8.4 Exercises195

9 Application Modules199
9.1 random Module 199
9.1.1 Distribution Functions 203
9.2 statistics Module 205
9.3 Array Module 207
9.4 bisect Module 214
9.5 heapq Module 216
9.6 Exercises222

10 Classes and Objects 231
10.1 Objects 232
10.2 Classes 232
10.2.1 Instantiation 235
10.3 Functions with Attributes 239
10.4 pass : Place Holder 241
10.5 Overloading 242
10.5.1 Overloading in Basic Python. 246
10.6 Inheritance247
10.6.1 Multiple Inheritances 249
10.7 super() 252
10.8 Execution from Command Line 259
10.9 Exercises262

11 Time Related Operations 265
11.1 Time Standards 265
11.2 time Module 267
11.3 datetime Module 274
11.3.1 time Objects 276
11.3.2 datetime Objects 277
11.3.3 Time Intervals 280
11.3.4 tzinfo 282
11.3.5 Algebra with Time Objects 285
11.4 Calendars 287
11.5 timeit Module 295
11.6 Exercises299

12 Functional Programming Aids 301
12.1 operator Module 301
12.1.1 Generic Methods 305
12.1.2 Inplace Operators307
12.2 itertools308
12.2.1 Filtering 315
12.3 generator Using yield319
12.4 iterator Formation 325
12.5 decoratorS327
12.6 functools327
12.6.1 total_ordering 329
12.6.2 single dispatch Generic Function . 329
12.6.3 partial Objects 331
12.6.4 Reduction Functions 332
12.7 Exercises332

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