[Ebook] Learning Puppet 4 – Download PDF

Thông tin chung về “Learning Puppet 4”

Tên tài liệu : Learning Puppet 4
Tác giả : Jo Rhett
Số trang : 587
Ngôn ngữ : Tiếng Anh
Format : PDF
Thể loại : Automation Management

Giới thiệu mục lục “Learning Puppet 4”

Part I : will get you up and running with a working Puppet installation. You will learn how to write declarative Puppet policies to produce consistency in your systems. This part will also cover the changes to the language in Puppet 4.

Part II : will introduce you to Puppet modules, the building blocks used for Puppet policies. You will learn how to find and evaluate Puppet modules. You’ll learn how to distinguish Puppet Supported and Puppet Approved modules. You’ll learn tips for managing configuration data in Hiera. Finally, you’ll learn how to build, test, and publish your own Puppet modules.

Part III : will help you install the new Puppet Server and the deprecated but stable Puppet master. You’ll learn how to centralize the certificate authority, or use a thirdparty provider. You will configure an external node classifier (ENC). You’ll find advice and gain experience on how to scale Puppet servers for high availability and performance.

Part IV : will review dashboards and orchestration tools that supplement and complement Puppet. The web dashboards provide a way to view the node status and history of changes made by Puppet. The orchestration tools enable you to interact instantly with Puppet nodes for massively parallel orchestration events.

Link download ebook “Learning Puppet 4

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Google Drive : http://adf.ly/4988544/learn-puppet-gd
Mediafire : http://adf.ly/4988544/learn-puppet-mf

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