[Ebook] Cisco ASA All-in-one Next-Generation Firewall, IPS, and VPN Services, 3rd Edition

Thông tin chung về “Cisco ASA: All-in-one Next-Generation Firewall, IPS, and VPN Services, 3rd Edition”

Tên tài liệu : Cisco ASA: All-in-one Next-Generation Firewall, IPS, and VPN Services, 3rd Edition
Tác giả : Andrew Ossipov, Jazib Frahim, Omar Santos
Số trang : 1248
Ngôn ngữ : Tiếng Anh
Format : PDF
Thể loại : ASA Firewall Cisco

Giới thiệu cơ bản và Mục lục

Today, network attackers are far more sophisticated, relentless, and dangerous. In response, Cisco ASA: All-in-One Next-Generation Firewall, IPS, and VPN Services has been fully updated to cover the newest techniques and Cisco technologies for maximizing end-to-end security in your environment. Three leading Cisco security experts guide you through every step of creating a complete security plan with Cisco ASA, and then deploying, configuring, operating, and troubleshooting your solution.

Fully updated for today’s newest ASA releases, this edition adds new coverage of ASA 5500-X, ASA 5585-X, ASA Services Module, ASA next-generation firewall services, EtherChannel, Global ACLs, clustering, IPv6 improvements, IKEv2, AnyConnect Secure Mobility VPN clients, and more. The authors explain significant recent licensing changes; introduce enhancements to ASA IPS; and walk you through configuring IPsec, SSL VPN, and NAT/PAT.

You’ll learn how to apply Cisco ASA adaptive identification and mitigation services to systematically strengthen security in network environments of all sizes and types. The authors present up-to-date sample configurations, proven design scenarios, and actual debugs all designed to help you make the most of Cisco ASA in your rapidly evolving network.


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