[Ebook] AWS for Admins, Dummies – Download PDF


Thông tin chung về “AWS for Admins, Dummies”

Tên tài liệu : AWS for Admins, Dummies
Tác giả : John Paul Mueller
Số trang : 411
Ngôn ngữ : Tiếng Anh
Format : PDF
Thể loại : Cloud Computing

Giới thiệu mục lục ebook “AWS for Admins, Dummies”

Part 1: Getting Started with AWS
CHAPTER 1: Starting Your AWS Adventure 9
CHAPTER 2: Obtaining Free Amazon Services 23
CHAPTER 3: Determining Which Services to Use 45
Part 2: Configuring a Virtual Server
CHAPTER 4: Creating a Virtual Server Using EC2 65
CHAPTER 5: Managing Web Apps Using Elastic Beanstalk 103
CHAPTER 6: Responding to Events with Lambda 123
Part 3: Working with Storage
CHAPTER 7: Working with Cloud Storage Using S3 143
CHAPTER 8: Managing Files Using the Elastic File System 173
CHAPTER 9: Archiving Data Using Glacier 199
Part 4: Performing Basic Database Management
CHAPTER 10: Getting Basic DBMS Using RDS 219
CHAPTER 11: Moving Data Using Database Migration Service 249
CHAPTER 12: Gaining NoSQL Access Using DynamoDB 271
Part 5: Creating a User-Friendly Cloud Environment
CHAPTER 13: Isolating Cloud Resources Using Virtual Private Cloud 297
CHAPTER 14: Using the Infrastructure Software 317
CHAPTER 15: Supporting Users with Business Software 331
Part 6: The Part of Tens
CHAPTER 16: Ten Ways to Deploy AWS Quickly 343
CHAPTER 17: Ten Must-Have AWS Software Packages 351

Link download ebook “AWS for Admins, Dummies”

Google Drive : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-hV1HrMP8j1SE1PNGhLSC1YRk0/
Mega.nz : LINK

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